CONCERTA® (kon SER-ta)
(methylphenidate HCl) Extended-release Tablets
Read the M edication Guide tha t com es w ith CO NCERTA''^
before you or your child starts taking it and each tim e you
get a refill. There may be new inform ation. This M edication
Guide does not take the place of talking to your doctor about
you or your child's treatm ent w ith CONCERTA®.
W hat is the m ost im portant inform ation I should kno w
about CONCERTA®?
fo llo w in g
w ith
m ethylphenidate HCI and other stim u lant m edicines:
1. H eart-related problem s:
sudden death in patients w ho have heart problem s
or heart defects
stroke and heart attack in adults
increased blood pressure and heart rate
Tell your do ctor if you or your child have any heart
problem s,
heart defects,
or a
fam ily history of these problems.
Your doctor should checkyou o ry o u r child carefully for
heart problem s before starting CONCERTA®.
Your do ctor should
check you or your ch ild 's blood
pressure and heart rate regularly during treatm ent w ith
Call your doctor rig h t aw ay if you or your ch ild has any
signs of heart problem s such as chest pain, shortness
of breath, or fa in tin g w h ile taking CONCERTA®.
2. M ental (P sychiatric) problem s:
A ll Patients
new or w o rse behavior and thought problem s
new or w o rse bip olar illn ess
new or w o rse aggressive behavior or h o stility
C hildren and Teenagers
new psychotic sym ptom s (such as hearing voices,
believing things th a t are not true, are suspicious)
or new m anic sym ptom s
Tell your doctor about any m ental problem s you o ry o u r
child have, or about a fam ily history of suicide, bipolar
illness, or depression.
Call your doctor right aw ay if you or your child have any
new or w orsening mental symptoms or problem s w h ile
taking CONCERTA®, especially seeing or hearing things
that are not real, believing things that are not real, or are
stim ulant
pre scription
m edicine.
fo r the
tre a tm e n t
a tte n tio n
d e fic it
h yp e ra ctivity
d iso rd e r
CONCERTA® may help increase attention and decrease
im pulsiveness and hyperactivity in patients w ith ADHD.
CONCERTA® should be used as a part of a total treatm ent
program fo r ADHD th a t may include counseling or other
CONCERTA® is a fe d e ra lly c o n tro lle d substance (Cll)
because it can be abused or lead to dependence. Keep
CONCERTA® in a safe
place to prevent m isuse and
abuse. S e lling or giving aw ay CONCERTA® m ay harm
others, and is against the law .
Tell your doctor if you or your child have (or have a fam ily
history of) ever abused or been dependent on alcohol,
prescription m edicines or street drugs.
W ho should not take CONCERTA®?
CONCERTA® should not be taken if you or your child:
are very anxious, tense, or agitated
have an eye problem called glaucom a
have tics or Tourette's syndrom e, or a fam ily history of
Tourette's syndrome. Tics are hard to control repeated
m ovem ents or sounds.
are taking or have taken w ith in the past 14 days an
anti-depression m edicine called a monoamine oxidase
inhibitor or MAOI.
are allergic to anything in CONCERTA®. See the end of
this M edication Guide for a com plete list of ingredients.
CONCERTA® should not be used in children less than
old because it has not been studied in this age group.
CONCERTA® may not be rig h t fo r you or your ch ild . Before
starting CONCERTA® te ll your or your c h ild 's doctor about
a ll health co n dition s (or a fa m ily history of) including:
heart problem s, heart defects, or high blood pressure
m ental problem s including psychosis, mania, bipolar
illness, or depression
tics or Tourette's syndrom e
seizures or have had an abnorm al brain w ave te st
stom ach,
sm all
problem s
Tell your doctor if you or your child is pregnant, planning to
becom e pregnant, or breastfeeding.
Can CONCERTA® be taken w ith other m edicines?
Tell your doctor about a ll of the m edicines th a t you or your
c h ild
ta ke
in clu d in g
p re scrip tio n
m edicines, vitam ins, and herbal supplem ents. CONCERTA®
and some m edicines may interact w ith each other and cause
Som etim es
m edicines w ill need to be adjusted w hile taking CONCERTA®.
Your doctor w ill decide w hethe r CONCERTA® can be taken
w ith other m edicines.
E specially te ll your doctor if you or your c h ild takes:
anti-depression m edicines including M AOIs
seizure m edicines
blood thinner m edicines
blood pressure m edicines
cold or allergy m edicines tha t contain decongestants